Beneath the Bleeding Medical Guidelines for Seeking Qualified Care for Gastric sleeve & Bypass Surgery

Guidelines for Seeking Qualified Care for Gastric sleeve & Bypass Surgery

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Bariatric surgery is becoming increasingly popular among those looking to lose weight. While there are many types of bariatric surgeries, two of the most common are gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgery. It’s important to understand the differences between these two procedures to determine which one is right for you. Let’s take a closer look at these two types of surgeries.

Gastric sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as “sleeve gastrectomy” or “vertical sleeve gastrectomy,” is a procedure that reduces the size of your stomach by about 80%. The goal of this surgery is to reduce hunger and limit how much food you can eat at once. This procedure does not involve any re-routing or bypassing of the intestines, but it does come with some potential risks such as infection, blood clots, and leakage from your incisions.

Gastric bypass Surgery

On the other hand, difference between gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgery involves both reducing the size of your stomach and re-routing your intestines so that food bypasses part of your digestive system. This type of surgery limits how many calories you absorb since some food will be passing through without being digested. Additionally, this procedure typically results in faster weight loss than gastric sleeve surgery due to its more drastic nature. Risks associated with this type of surgery include anemia, vitamin deficiencies, bowel obstructions, and gallstones.


When deciding between gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgery it’s important to consider your individual needs and preferences. A gastric sleeve is less invasive than a gastric bypass but will result in slower weight loss over time whereas a bypass provides more drastic changes for quicker results but comes with more risks involved. Talk to your doctor about which option would be best for you based on your overall health goals. No matter which option you choose, bariatric surgery can help you reach a healthier lifestyle if done safely under the care of a qualified medical professional.

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